山東金昊化工有限公司總部坐落于黃河三角洲南端的齊魯明珠---山東大王經濟開發區。公司成立于2006年,占地面積15萬平方米,注冊資本1000萬元,總資產1.5億元,現有職工100余人。 東營銳馳化工有限公司資質齊全,主營?;烦隹?,產品遠銷東南亞、美國、歐洲、印巴等主要國際市場,公司享譽國內外。 查看詳情+ DONGYING RICH CHEMICAL CO., LTD. founded in 2006, is located in Dawang economic development zone in Shandong Province , which is a export-oriented company of base chemicals, or key intermediates for the production of a wide range of other chemicals. The main products are methylene chloride, chloroform, aniline oil, propylene glycol, dimethyl formamide, glacial acetic acid, dimethyl carbon, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, and isopropyl alcohol. |